Al Sharpton compares Jesus crucifixion to Trayvon Martin’s death

Just like Jesse Jackson uses Jesus for his agenda, so does Al Sharpton as well. And the comparison is just as ludicrous:

We believe in Jesus, they crucified him and never had a charge. They never charged, wasn’t no crime on his indictment. So we’ve got to deal with the inequities of the criminal justice system. The fact that we (black people) are overly-incarcerated, the fact that we go to court and are treated differently, and the fact that when we’re victimized there is not the same response. That’s what Trayvon was about.

So Trayvon represents the inequalities in the justice system? No he doesn’t. For all we know Trayvon could have been guilty of trying to beat the crap out of someone and was only stopped by a man trying to defend himself. That’s what it sounds like happened, but I’ll wait for more evidence before I render judgement.

And to be honest, I could point out the glaring problems in his comparison with Jesus to Trayvon, but it almost feels sacrilegious to even write it down. That’s how absurd this comparison is, that I can’t even rebut it without feeling like I’m demeaning my God to levels I’m just not comfortable with.

Watch below:

(via CNS News)

UPDATE: Also, here’s Sharpton taking credit for getting charges brought in this case:

(via Radio Equalizer)

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