Clint Eastwood: Give Obama a second term


Seems there are a lot of people who really liked Chrysler’s commercial last night featuring Clint Eastwood. First, here’s the ad:

My problem with this ad is that it glorifies the bailout of Chrysler:

The people of Detroit know a little something about this. They almost lost everything. But we all pulled together, now Motor City is fighting again.

We didn’t “pull together”. The Obama administration wasted billions of taxpayer dollars bailing out Chrysler who couldn’t even pay all of it back. Out of a 14 Billion loan, taxpayers lost over 6 Billion dollars in the end.

And according to this ad, bailing out Detroit is a fine example for us to follow:

All that matters now is what’s ahead. How do we come from behind? How do we come together? And how do we win? Detroit is showing us it can be done.

Ugh. Even Michael Moore recognized this commercial for what it really is, and ad for Obama’s reelection:


UPDATE: Sorry, I had confused Chrysler, who did take bailout money, with Chevrolet (owned by GM). I updated the post to reflect the changes, but the bottom line is still true. We bailed out Chrysler, like GM, and lost a ton of money on it.

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