Politico: MSNBC hasn’t mentioned Jerusalem yet

Politico reports that while Fox and CNN have covered the DNC adding God/Jerusalem language back to the party platform, MSNBC has not mentioned it once:

POLITICO – One widely discussed development in tonight’s Democratic convention coverage is the party’s decision — indeed, Obama’s decision — to include “God” in its platform and affirm Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

And yet while CNN and Fox News have discussed the issue frequently, MSNBC has yet to mention it once.

In today’s edition of “choose your own adventure” news, the amount of times the word “Jerusalem” was mentioned on each channel between noon and 7 p.m. today:

Fox News: 33 times

CNN: 16 times

MSNBC: 0 times

My guess is they are on the phone with the White House trying to figure out how to spin it.

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