UPDATE: FALSE? – Report: Fiscal Conservatives Barred from Supercommittee

***UPDATE 2***

Apparently if you don’t vote for the debt limit bill, you can’t be on the bipartisan supercommittee which will decide later this year well over a trillion in cuts. In the Senate this would rule out fiscal hawks like Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Jim DeMint, Ron Johnson, Pat Toomey, Jeff Sessions and Marco Rubio. Yeah, this non-tax-raising supercommittee is sounding more super by the moment!

via The Weekly Standard:

The debt ceiling deal will pass the Senate early this afternoon. No suspense there. But the vote will be worth watching for another reason: Three Republican Senate sources tell TWS that senators who vote against the deal will be ineligible to serve on the so-called “supercommittee” for deficit reduction that the legislation creates.

While there’s certain logic to such a policy, it could be self-defeating. Excluding those who vote against the debt deal will ensure that some of the most fiscally conservative members of the Senate Republican caucus, including most of its freshmen, will be reading about the committee’s activities in the newspaper rather than guiding its decisions. Among those who have already declared their opposition to the deal: libertarian-leaning senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul; Jim DeMint, the aggressive fiscal hawk from South Carolina; conservative reformers Ron Johnson from Wisconsin and Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania; the ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, Jeff Sessions; and Florida’s Marco Rubio, already one of the highest-profile conservatives in Congress.

More worrisome for conservatives, however, is that private whip counts in the Senate found that some 20 Republicans expressed support for the proposals that came out of the Gang of Six. And while many of the components of that plan have merit as individual policy proposals, the package involves compromises on taxes anathema to most conservatives. Picking a Gang of Six member – or supporter – would further antagonize conservatives skeptical of the debt ceiling deal.


UPDATE: Byron York is reporting that a McConnell spokesman is saying it isn’t true:

Sen. McConnell spokesman: GOP senators who vote against debt bill will not be barred from serving on debt ceiling supercommittee.


UPDATE: via Weekly Standard:

McConnell spokesman Don Stewart says all senators will be considered. “No one is stronger in his opposition to tax hikes than Sen. McConnell. He will have serious discussions with all those who are interested in serving prior to making any appointments.”

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