Shameless Democrats invoke Reagan in debt limit fight

Democrats who have always hated Reagan are trying to play the Reagan card in the debt limit fight just as they always do to try and push their monstrously large government agenda. In the last couple of years it’s been non-stop “Reagan ran up deficits too” to justify Obama’s very large spending agenda even though Reagan’s deficits were miniscule compared to those of Obama. Now the argument is that “Reagan said default is bad too” as they argue for a clean debt limit bill so they can continue their trillion-dollar deficits with absolutely no accountability:

First let me point out that we already know we aren’t going to default. We have the money to pay our bills and it’s only by the action of Obama and the Treasury that we would default. This linked chart from the Treasury proves it.

Second let me point out that had they included the full context of what Reagan said in that 1987 radio address, they would have heard him decry excessive government spending as Congress at that time was trying to force his hand into more spending. Here’s the excerpt from that same address that they should have played:

For those who say further responsible spending reductions are not possible, they are wrong. For those who say the only choice is undermining our national security at a time when the United States is close to an agreement with the Soviet Union on reducing nuclear weapons, they are wrong. For those who say more taxes will solve our deficit problem, they are wrong. Every time Congress increases taxes, the deficit does not decrease, spending increases. It’s time for a clear and consistent policy to reduce the Federal budget deficit.

Go read the whole address (it’s short) to get a true understanding of what Reagan was faced with when arguing to raise the debt ceiling.

Also notice how Rep. John Larson (D-CT) wants more strategic cuts that result in revenues that create jobs. Huh? Revenues don’t create jobs nor does government create jobs. It’s a strawman argument or, as I like to call it, a lie. You want more private sector job growth and higher revenues? Quit trying to suck more money out of the private sector through raising taxes and get the government and its massive regulatory environment out of the way. Then jobs and revenues will increase because the private sector is growing.

One more point here. Since when are the Democrats interested in job growth? They had two years under Obama to tackle this problem and all we have to show for it is massive debt and deficits. And as Paul Ryan pointed out yesterday, only 6% of the economic stimulus went toward ‘shovel-ready’ jobs. If they were that interested in job growth wouldn’t they have spent more on infrastructure jobs that they believe in? No, it’s just more demagoguery from shameless Democrats hell-bent on destroying this economy. Spend, spend, spend and then raise taxes and the debt limit to spend more. That’s all they want to do.

Exit question: Did any of you catch the Christian reference in the short clip above?

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