Steve Wynn is more than disgusted with the Obama administration

Rush Limbaugh played a clip of Steve Wynn blasting the Obama administration in a fourth quarter conference call:

“I have more pessimism than I’ve had before, and it’s based on the political environment in which we are living today. And it definitely is impacting Las Vegas. The President of the United States hasn’t missed one single opportunity to squelch Las Vegas! We get phone calls…from chairmen who say we don’t want to appear to be profligate because Barack Obama said this or that about Las Vegas.”

“It is preposterous that businesses are under attack in the United States of America. Anybody who makes over $250,000 in the form of a personal income tax return is now, by Washington definition, a rich person, when everybody whose got a college degree knows that the personal income tax rate in the United States of America is the business tax of America! I am disgusted and angry at the apparent ignorance of the administration and the congress to recognize the fact that the individual tax rate in the United States of America is in fact the business tax of America! And if you keep banging on that, you will destroy the incentive for job formation in the United States of America! And that’s simple truth!”

“Why I’m pessimistic about Las Vegas? Because those are our customers! Those people out there hustling their businesses, and God forbid showing that they made a million dollars as a partnership or as an individual. Yeah they’re the enemy now, they’re the rich folks! Well, until we get over this America’s in for hard times. The people that are going to suffer from what is going on are the working class of America. My 15-20 thousand employees, they’re the ones that are in trouble! And until my employees get the drift of what is being done to them, America is in trouble.

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