Van Jones attacks Libertarians: “They hate the brown folk, the gays, the lesbians”

Sometimes I just wish Van Jones would come out and say it. He’s a socialist/communist type just like Obama who hates the idea that freedom and responsibility belonging to the individual is the cornerstone of American society. And that’s exactly what he is saying here in this video that I believe was cut from The Blaze:

It’s not that he misunderstands libertarianism. Just like Obama, it’s a part of America that he must consistently demonize and challenge in an attempt to knock it down. Because he wants the government to do everything so that it controls everything and therefore can give special treatment to groups he feels have been treated unfairly. Van Jones is nothing more than a representative for a special interest group, one that believes in redistribution of wealth and rejects individual charity. He’s a socialist/communist. It’s that simple.

Another reason we not only must win, but the Tea Party must live on and protect this idea we know as America.

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