Who neutered Michele Bachmann?

I was really disappointed in Bachmannn’s performance tonight on O’Reilly. She had the balls to stand up earlier this week against the Obama administration for working over BP for the $20 billion, and yet now she cowers behind pathetic dodgery. My guess is that the Republican leadership in the House has told everyone to lay off the ‘slush fund’ because of Barton’s comments yesterday. Pathetic.

Here’s my take. Many people are saying that BP agreed to give up the money, so how could it be a shakedown? We’ll that’s an ignorant response. What is BP supposed to do when the President tells them they need to cough up 20 billion big ones? With the precedent of the AIG fiasco looming from last year, with all the death threats made to executives over bonuses, they really have no choice. Plus, their public image is shot right now and they can’t afford any more demonization. If they would have even come close to turning down this ‘deal’, Obama, the Democrats, and some pandering Republicans would have excoriated and demonized BP in front of the American people just like AIG, until they submitted and cried uncle.

This is why we need Republicans like Michele Bachmann and Joe Barton to stand up and fight against these power grabs. I hope Republicans will go ‘rogue’ on the leadership, get a backbone and take on these Democrats. How else will the American people find out the truth?

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